Grammar Tip Of The Day

Subordinate clauses, or dependent clauses, do not express a complete thought. They are not complete sentences and can not be used independently. Rather, they depend on an independent phrase to complete them: After I was done work, I went to my mother’s house. These clauses come in a few forms, behaving as nouns, adverbs or adjectives: Noun Clause: I.e.: Those that listen to extremely loud music will lose their hearing. Adverb Clause: We danced until the sun rose. Adjective Clause: The thief that robbed us is back on the streets. Once a subordinate and independent clause come together, a complex sentence is formed. It will contain an independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses. They are linked by subordinating conjunctions (after, although, until, than, unless, etc., ) or relative pronouns (who, what, which, how, whom, etc). ¿Quiere repasar y aprender gramática con profesores nativos? Llámenos 911 014 146  😉  Clases de Inglés e idiomas por teléfono & skype Prfs. Nativos Telephoneteacher  subordinate clauses Inglés e idiomas con profesores nativos por teléfono & skype. t.t.® your teacher anytime, anywhere.

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